Nadya Monfrinoli worked with plants to produce zones of dominant colour along the route to create areas of seasonal interest, wildlife value, and unique natural spaces. In 2004 Nadya worked with Ripley Junior School on the creation of a wildflower meadow along the Lumb Farm section of the route. In March 2005 Nadya worked with willow artist Laura Ellen Bacon from the Green Health Partnership in Shipley to produce a series of living willow pods between Albion Street and the Nottingham Road bridge area of the Greenway. Nadya also worked with the Green Health Partnership to plant foxgloves and other wild flowers along the Greenway. Other sites of interest and beauty are a crabapple circle, a line of birch trees along the routeway, and an area of crocuses planted to echo the lines of railway tracks in response to the historical ties of the Greenway that once took miners via rail to the pits. Nadya also worked with local schools to produce ornaments for tree dressing, living willow weaving, balloon planting, and scuptural flower making workshops.